“Stains.” Lantern Review. December 2021.
“In Care of a Peace Lily.” The Massachusetts Review. Volume 64, Issue. Summer 2023.
“Notes on Measuring Time.” Northwest Review. Volume 51:03. Spring 2022.
“Customs.” Newtown Literary Journal. Issue 13. Fall/Winter 2018.
“Vessel.” Newtown Literary Journal. Issue 13. Fall/Winter 2018.
“Ancestries of Interest v. USA PATRIOT Act.” Afghan American Artists and Writers Association. EMERGENC(Y): Afghan Lives Beyond the Forever War: An Anthology of Writing from Afghanistan and its Diaspora. February 2023.
“Qaimaq Chai at a Queer Mehmani.” Afghan American Artists and Writers Association. EMERGENC(Y): Afghan Lives Beyond the Forever War: An Anthology of Writing from Afghanistan and its Diaspora. February 2023.
“The Night Journey.” Red Hen Press. New Moons: Contemporary Writing by North American Muslims. Edited by Kazim Ali. November 16, 2021.
“Pakistan Must Stop Sending Afghan Refugees Back to Danger” in Human Rights First. April 1, 2024.
“The Fog of the Forever War with a Laugh Track in “United States of Al” in the Middle East Research and Information Project. Co-authored with Wazhmah Osman and Helena Zeweri. May 26, 2021.
“You Are Not Broken” in What’s Afghan Punk Rock, Anyway? Edited by Armeghan Taheri. Issue II: Love, October 2019.